Ghulam Rasool Padash Ideas!
My Phone
All types of smartphone
- You can use it for phone calls, texting, for accessing the internet to check your emails, surf the web and much more
- The difference between each phone is that they have a different operating system developed by different manufactures
- Set the alarm, check the time, set the timer for 1 minute, take a photo, find the photo in the Gallery, Wifi, free app, pay for some the them, email
- 113 phones are stolen every minutes in the U.S
- 200 phones are left in NYC cabs every day that 73000 a year
- According to lost/stolen phones cost American $30 billion a year
- Meanwhile, the top places to loss a phone are a t fast-foot restaurants, drag stores, grocery stores, coffee shops and the office respectively
- The infographic also reveals more about smartphone theft in various city for example, phone theft makes up 40% of all robberies in New York City, and iPhone account for 70% of cell phones stolen on public transportation, such as subway and buses
- By 2013 3.1 million Americans were reporting a smartphone stolen annually, doubling the previous year
- In an average year, one in 10 smartphone users will experience a device being lost or stolen, and about one in seven of those people will experience identity theft as a result.
- Source: marketwatch
- I have solution above mention problems because this I choose name of next generation smartphone my phone